England was starting to get to that damp time of year that used to be the cause of a fella’s consumption. Not of the alcohol variety, the kind of consumption that ate at the lungs causing people to head somewhere drier, or take a few years off by going on ‘The Grand Tour’.
I wholeheartedly agree with this strategy, so come late November and I’m off to the fresh slopes of Nepal’s Himalaya to try out some paragliding.
I have to confess though that it’s not entirely without regret that I leave old blighty. I love the build up to Christmas, the amount there is to do in London at this time of year, the glistening of the road around Piccadilly Circus. But most of all I’ll miss my wonderful Baffy girl, though not for too long as she’ll be popping out to India in January, then the whole family will be on the road.
So, I have decided on a visit to Nepal’s Himalaya to do some paragliding then a move down to Pune to visit my daughter who is at school there. As usual I am as organised as a pirate after a drunken night on the tiles preparing a scurvy crew for an open sea. Which is not at all. In fact I got the bag packed the morning I was leaving, didn’t allow for the fact that Nepal collected visa money at the airport, didn’t find a guesthouse and didn’t even check out what currency they used, what the temperature was this time of year or nuttin’. Luckily some nice chap I met on the plane lent me the money I needed for the visa until I got to the ATM outside the airport and I do tend to land on my feet.
So I am now in a comfy enough wee place with WiFi and a rooftop room with a view of the Himalaya. Well some mountainous foothills anyhow. So, as for WiFi connections I have found a few hotels with WiFi in the lobby, none with WiFi in the rooms, but the connection seems OK when It works. What you have to do is buy cards issued by the local telco that allow you to connect for 5 hours for 250 Nepali Rupees. That’s around 2 quid. So work is possible, but one has to be organised and prepare work before connecting to maximise up time.
Englands too much for me, but I don’t know how to do Cyber work like you. The school has my daughter trapped here, but I need my freedom to travel so badly. The longer I stay here the less money I’ll have. I want to come over to India, maybe meet you guys after nipping into Agra-perhaps I’ll leave my girl here & let my teen son & his friend get her to school. Seriously need just a flight cheap, open return would be good. Somehow some work. Finished my degree, but going insane staying in England- Got any advice re: flights? Clothes to bring? Anj