Category Archives: featured

Holy Spirit Volunteer Meal Relva

I was kindly invited by Carlos Lousada to go to the volunteers meal at Relva and yet again, I was amazed at what can happen in a small community of 3000 people when it comes to helping each other.

At the beginning of the evening we were invited to have snacks and a drink, which was welcome after watching the Champions League final in a local bar. The snacks were a meal in themselves, with pastries, mixtures to put on local bread and a rather delicious prawn spread that had me returning to the snack table too many times!

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Mobile Boutique Hotel

Richard Oetker, an eccentric corporate executive who tried to compensate for his traumatising experience of being kidnapped for ransom with this hotel on wheels.

With this unique mobile accommodation, business partners were initially driven to selected locations, housed and fed. He made sure that all feasible wishes of his guests could be realised. He created a unique fleet based on solid and robust Mercedes lorries and specially designed trailers and semi-trailers.

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Two Years of lido relaxation!


Tis almost two years since my last post, so I took a look back over the years since I set-up Cyber Gypsy and had a few thoughts before heading back into the world of on-line personal biography writing.

My original reason for starting this site off was partly because I didn’t really want to.  I was quite against the idea of typing into a screen at regular intervals to an audience of possibly zero, but I take note if my attitudes are ever negative such as tucking into Neighbours for a few years when Kylie Minogue was a mechanic because I used to dislike soap operas so much, so I did the same with blogging and went about turning my dislike around.

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Rolls Royce Qantas Engine Failure

I have a friend who, when she gets on a plane, I have been known to get a phone call from the cabin. She checks out the safety features, the amount of engines (two can looks pretty thin for such a large plane),  she’s a nervous flier and as such keeps an eye on safety to such an extent that she has confronted people that behave suspiciously on a flight. It works, she has always gotten to where she is heading.

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