My air suspension is one of the best things on my wagon, it’s like driving cupped in a waterbed, makes cruising along a pleasure. I also have a posh airbed that pumps up in seconds using the 240 volts that fits snugly width ways into the van, so when I’m sleeping on an airbed with air underneath keeping the wagon up it’s like the double cheeseburger of rest, a double air nights sleep.

However on the negative it needs occasional fixing, so luckily I found the people that made the suspension in the first place, went to visit and got some professional attention whilst spending a day at the workshop.
I found out that I needed some new parts, a filter needed replacing and the air pressure needed re-setting, but it is now ready for another 200,000 miles as that’s how many miles it has done so far!
I enjoyed spending a day at the liverpool branch of Glide-Rite, it’s a professional space but they’re warm and welcoming, I had stuff explained to me well and they were open about what needed doing, so I left feeling like I had made a few friends rather than simply having a van fixed.
I also got to see some of the other stuff they now do, so it’s worth checking them out to see how they can improve your campervan as air suspension has come on a long way, am glad to have benefitted from some of it.