My air suspension is one of the best things on my wagon, it’s like driving cupped in a waterbed, makes cruising along a pleasure. I also have a posh airbed that pumps up in seconds using the 240 volts that fits snugly width ways into the van, so when I’m sleeping on an airbed with air underneath keeping the wagon up it’s like the double cheeseburger of rest, a double air nights sleep.
Continue reading Glide-Rite Air SuspensionCategory Archives: Cyber Gypsy Gear
The Glambulance
It is a Mercedes 416 Sprinter with a 5 cylinder 2.7 litre turbo engine, I finished it to be a work, swim, sleep and travel vehicle so it has electricity, a lot of space, a very comfortable bed and speakers in the back for some good sounds.
Continue reading The GlambulanceNikon S8100

I bought a Nikon S8100 recently to because I had my wonderful little Panasonic Lumix DZ10 stolen in Chile.
Continue reading Nikon S8100Sleeping bags and stuff sacks
Fitting as much into a confined space as possible is becoming a bit of an obsession. I now have, in one small crumpler laptop rucksack the tools needed to: Continue reading Sleeping bags and stuff sacks
What happened to Toughbooks?
One thing that I find to be conspicuously absent from the average CyberGypsy baggage check-list is a tough book. Continue reading What happened to Toughbooks?
Location Independent Digitally Nomadic Cyber Gypsy Travel Checklist
So here’s a check-list of things that I have decided will go with me around the world this winter. Continue reading Location Independent Digitally Nomadic Cyber Gypsy Travel Checklist
Google voice uk style phone booths launched
A number of years ago the powers that be in the UK telecoms business decided that there was no reason why another little bit of the wonderful and quirky individuality of these fair isles should be done away with, which is why our wonderful red phone boxes were uprooted and sent to the scrap heap for good. It was wonderful for theme pubs, expat millionaires or anyone else wanting to shove a little bit of England in the corner of their establishment, but for the majority we waved goodbye and that was it.
Continue reading Google voice uk style phone booths launchedKorg Nano Key
One thing I haven’t mentioned before is my love of taking Continue reading Korg Nano Key
Google Voice in The UK
Only recently I wrote a little article on how to get cheaper roaming phone charges and it seems that Google could be an answer to our prayers. Continue reading Google Voice in The UK
I have just heard that BT has bought out many of T-Mobiles wifi hotspots with the aim of keeping the prices high. Not a very enlightened approach to giving access to mobile computing… Continue reading Monopoly