The flight to Perth was planned well – I booked a seat on the left of the plane knowing we would be heading down the coast, and sure enough we flew along the Great Ocean Road so I could see the coves and bays that I had driven around in the days before. This always gives me a perspective on just where we are in the scheme of things – I’m not sure how, but it does.
So I sat like a cat with it’s nose to a window while the plane ate up the miles to Perth and was met at the airport by an old old girlfriend of mine. It is lovely to see her, her husband and children and yet again the hospitality is faultless.
Perth is what I would call a ‘Boutique City’, Brisbane was similar – easy to get around, very clean and not imposing, everything in it’s place. Of course it has a big river but does not make as much use of it as other cities, but this is changing.
This Western Australia has less population than a mid sized European city. They seem to think they need to change this and ship people in – ship people in so that they can get more resources out of the ground and make more money, therefore being able to consume more and eat up resources.
Keep Australia just the way it is…and Perth is very lovely.