Tis almost two years since my last post, so I took a look back over the years since I set-up Cyber Gypsy and had a few thoughts before heading back into the world of on-line personal biography writing.
My original reason for starting this site off was partly because I didn’t really want to. I was quite against the idea of typing into a screen at regular intervals to an audience of possibly zero, but I take note if my attitudes are ever negative such as tucking into Neighbours for a few years when Kylie Minogue was a mechanic because I used to dislike soap operas so much, so I did the same with blogging and went about turning my dislike around.
I needed a bloggy direction, so I chose my proliferate travelling to write about and sometimes the times in between.
My first posts were back in
I then went on to do the Plymouth to Banjul rally, which I can’t believe was Eight years ago, then travelling to Ireland, then Paris for the rugby world cup, then off to Australia via Thailand and Cambodia, Vietnam and China in between.
I put a number of pages and posts into Australia then ended up back in the place I did my underwater diving exams, Tioman in Malaysia, then back to London.
London, then Paris and back to Asia where I learned Paragliding, went to Varanasi with my daughter where we talked about being pirates, then met up with my girlfriend in Goa.
In between all of this I was developing my idea of what exactly it is I found to be useful when travelling light, which I’ve written about but I’ll write an article about that again soon as I re-stock what it is I need to simply live out of a small bag when on the road.
But my return to the UK wasn’t just about missing home, I also left Australia because I didn’t arrive in the best frame of mind to make the most of it.
Whilst travelling through South America I did some paragliding and a chap I was flying with died. This turned an innocent journey in a world where everything was simple into a more complicated trip, as if a relationship that was about love turned very serious all of a sudden.
Then I got to Australia and was given the news that an old friend had committed suicide by jumping off of a crane. So instead of making the most of my new home I wanted to go back to the home I knew and settle down for a while.
So, here we are, starting again after a few years resting at the local lido.